Letter of Interest (LOI) 

Phase 1

Social Venture Partners Charleston seeks to invest financial resources and professional expertise in promising nonprofit organizations to increase organizational capacity, through collaboration and partnership, to impact the following areas:

• Reducing the opportunity gap 

• Serving at-risk youth 

• Improving educational outcomes (including student and family support services) 


SVP Charleston is a group of experienced, skilled professionals and community leaders applying a highly engaged approach to philanthropy. Our “investments” follow an innovative philanthropic model that brings our expertise and giving together to extend the reach and improve the success of high-potential, growth-minded nonprofits. We approach each investment with the knowledge that we have the expertise to share but that the investee best knows their constituency. The investment is a mutual opportunity for growth. 

SVP seeks to partner with nonprofit organizations that will benefit from a long-term relationship with SVP, including hands-on strategic engagement with individual members. 

Examples of Partner engagement include, but are not limited to: 

  • strategic and business planning 
  • research and program design 
  • leadership development 
  • marketing and communications 
  • finance and revenue development 
  • board development and governance 
  • human resources 
  • outcomes measurement and program evaluation 
  • legal 
  • information technology 


While all of our investments are unique, our experience suggests that there are common themes to a successful SVP investment. The nonprofits we invest in will meet the following criteria: 

  • Be a registered 501c3 organization, public charity 
  • Be in or delivering services to the citizens of Charleston, Berkeley or Dorchester Counties 
  • Nonprofit’s mission and goals align with SVP’s mission and goals 
  • Have an operating budget of $100,000- $1 million 
  • Previously funded investees can reapply with new, innovative projects after a two-year period. This does not apply to Lightning Grant recipients. 
  • Nonprofit’s mission and goals provide diversity to the portfolio of SVP’s current and recent investees 
    • SVP’s investment, both financial and intellectual capital, will be significant to the nonprofit We seek to invest a minimum of two (2) grants of $20,000-50,000 a year, for two years. There is also the potential for co-investments. 
    • Year 2 is dependent on meetings goals and objectives in Year 1. 
    • The nonprofit should have a range of engagement opportunities for our partners. 
  • The nonprofit needs to have an infrastructure that allows for engagement between SVP and staff, as well as a collaboration between SVP and an engaged Board that is receptive to the SVP’s experiential contributions. 


  • May 9- Phase 1 opens on Coastal Community Foundation Portal 
  • May 10- NOON, Nonprofit ZOOM Q&A Webinar 
  • May 31- LOI Due 
  • Week of June 27 – Organizations will be notified/ Phase 2 opens

If applying for the 2022 year, please click the link above using the code: SVP2022. You will also need to create a new account.

Contact LindseySVP@coastalcommunityfoundation.org with questions.

Thank you!

Nonprofit Webinar Recording

Topic: SVP Charleston Investment Cycle Webinar Q&A
Start Time: May 10, 2022 11:22 AM

Meeting Recording

Access Passcode: E*8^F3=6

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